The best time to visit lake Baikal
28th march, 2022

You can definitely come to lake Baikal whenever you want, however, the sights travelers are recommended to visit vary depending on the season. Summer and winter are the most exciting seasons.
Baikal in summer
If you love walking under the warm Sun, swimming in clear water where you observe colorful stones or explore amazing natural attractions, you should definitely come in summer. Real summer starts here in the middle of June and lasts till August. Approximately around the 15th-17th of June it can get up to 250C+, but don’t forget that June can be pretty rainy. July is the hottest month. Air and water get really warm and the number of tourists increases. August is a little cooler than July, but the water in Baikal is the warmest it can be:
- 15°C in the surface layer in the open lake,
- 18°C at the shore,
- Up to 23°С in bays and gulfs.
Summer is the best time to relax in a hotel or camping, try fresh fruit, berries and nuts, ride a quod bike or a motor boat, have a go at rafting, climbing, lie in the sun or swim, go fishing or just have fun. In summer lots of festivals are held around Lake Baikal. We offer lots of tours and day trips you can’t have in winter. They are designed for all age groups and preferences; you are sure to admire these wonders. For example, Kyngara river falls, Fairy Tale waterfall, Baidinskiye Caves, Peschanaya (Sandy) bay, Shamanka rock, the garnetiferous beach, etc.
Baikal in winter
Baikal in winter will fascinate those who want to find themselves in a real Russian fairy tale and see the beauty of the famous Baikal ice.
Winter lasts from November till April. The best period for a visit is January to April. This is the time to skate on Baikal, or to ski, or to do snowboarding, or to try ski-doo, or to have a go at ice fishing, or to swim in a hot spring. January is when the ice sheet is formed. The average temperature is normally -15° - 20°C, however, it can go down to -30° or even colder. This is also the time when ice fishing starts. People fish for Baikal omul, pike, sculpin, perch and Siberian roach. In February the Lake is completely covered with ice, it’s no longer windy and as cold as in January. This is a very safe and exciting time to enjoy the ice. The period between February 10 and March 10 is when you can admire the transparent ice, the beauty of which is striking. Spring starts between March and April, but not for Baikal. The whole lake is still covered with ice, which is up to 1 meter thick. It is ideal for road trips over the ice or for ski-doo riding and skiing. You have to be careful, because the melting period is different from year to year. Normally the lake starts to free from the ice in early May, but it can be as early as middle April.
You can check out our summer and winter Baikal tours here.